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Just Breath...


Longevity Breathing Navigation


Fundamental Basics 

Abdominal Breathing *

Side Breathing *

Lower Back & Kidneys Breathing *

Lungs, Upper & Whole Back Breathing *

Finishing Summary & Final Audio *


* password required

15 MIN


Breath FinalNatalie
00:00 / 23:35


  • What we learn, is what appears to be many kinds of breathing, but in reality it is one breath, that has many parts to it.

  • We learn to breath with our abdomen, our sides, our kidneys, lower and upper back, and top of lungs.

  • In the end, when you've learned all the parts, you learn how to connect them all together through your spine, so the middle of your back and all other parts of your body are breathing at once.

  • Finally when you've gotten used to doing this a little bit, you will be able to get the absolute top parts of your lungs moving, so they can move with everything else.

  • It's very important to realize that you need to work on one part at a time.

  • Take your time, use the 70% rule.

  • Be in no rush. You are going to breath for the rest of your life and you want the nerve impulses to tell your body to do this, to become stable, so that as you breath, you remain relaxed.


  • Try to practice at least 15 minutes a day.

  • Each section might take days, a week or even a month until it is effortless and comfortable.

  • Always incorporate what you previously learned, in your new section.

  • Don't be in a rush. Work slowly and progressively.

  • It takes awhile for your nerves to remember how to do this.

  • Ultimately breathing has to become somewhat autonomic, meaning that it has to go on, like your heart beat, whether you think about it or not.

  • So your nerves need time to learn and your tissues need time to get comfortable and stretch and not bound because they're tight.

  • Practice weaker parts and tone down stronger parts.

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